Fry My Deck

Why, why?

Fry My Deck started as a practice tool for an IC pitch. While we prepared for Q&A sessions, we found ourselves repeating the same questions to each other.

This project was an experiment in building with ultra-realistic AI voices, LLMs, and diffusion models to speed up dataset generation and toying with different user experiences.

What happened? What did we learn?

We launched on ProductHunt with a dark, Tekken-inspired design. We chose one of the toughest days of the week for our PH launch. With a product built in just two days, we were betting on its “meme” and fun appeal.

Everything about Fry My Deck was designed to attract attention and get noticed by one of the top 10 most famous Silicon Valley VCs.

The results exceeded our expectations. We reached the top 3 on PH in the morning, ending the day at position 6. We were reposted by Ryan Hoover, PH, and other notable VCs on Twitter. The viral effect peaked, and though we didn't get reposted by the VCs we targeted (we came incredibly close), Twitter and LinkedIn yielded interesting results, connecting us with a dozen VCs after our post was shared there.

Ultimately, we gained more Twitter followers, received a message from Olivia Moore (asking us to remove her from our website, but hey, still a success), and collected 10,000 website views in a day, with thousands of people using our product in the following days.